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American Catur is going to give y'all a thrilling experience! Some call it chess on steroids! First we had checkers! Than we had Chess! Now we have a new American Catur!

American Catur/Traditional

Explore infinite games and plan everything from the simplest launching of bombs to the grandest killing and capturing of all your opponent's armed forces. Playing against American Catur one and only Universal Super Grand Master the War Machine with unlimited resources of bombs. Using them strategically on the Earth board in a fight for your survival. Try fending off the War Machine's chancy tactical maneuvers while he keeps putting on pressure to kill, capture or trap your president.

Expanding your mind on this new challenge and opportunity on leading your armed force to a higher strategic level than chess and on to an educational goal to memorize the most possible moves to survive the raft of the war machine.

Use this app to practice and sharpen your American Catur board game skills to use against your opponent. Practice makes you better and one day you will be the next Universal Super Grand Master!


The game starts with the highest roll of the dice goes first. If the War Machine wins the roll the game just starts and if you win the roll, you have the option to pick your color Black or white. Picking your color determines which way the earth board is set up. If you pick white the white triangles are set up in front of you with your white armed forces. If you pick Black the Black triangles are set up in front of you with your black armed forces. Then you have the choice on which square the President and Army can go left center or right center square.

Then the game begins with your armed forces and bombs against the war machines armed forces and bombs – Discover and learn the movement of each of the Armed Forces and bombs. Each armed force that has its own unique traveling motion for its offense or defense route. You can take your time and play at your own pace or you can play Blitz or Bullet (Lightning). War Machine is ready for your challenge.

Your Armed Forces:

Coast Guard is similar to the pawn in chess but has unique movements that travel on its own color triangle space. It removes bombs on the triangle spaces only by jumping over them like checkers. Use your Coast guard craftiest by moving one space at a time forward, backwards and side to side. It can rescue its captured armed forces by traveling all the way down the board.

Marine similar to the castle or rook in chess is a major piece but has unique movements that travel on its own color triangle space.

Navy similar to the knight in chess is a key piece but has tricky movements that travel on its own color triangle space like an L two spaces than 90° one space. It removes bombs on the square spaces only by jumping over them like checkers.

Air force similar to the bishop in chess is the most controlling armed force that travels on its own color triangle space but has unique movements that travel diagonally, forward, backward and side to side.

Army similar to the Queen in chess is the most powerful armed force but has unique movements that travel on the square space diagonally, forward, backward and side to side on the square spaces.

President similar to the king in chess who is less powerful but is the most valuable piece that travels any direction one square space at a time. He can also do what we call Castling.

Your Bombs:

To the games amazement we have four types of deadliest bombs at our disposal. The bombs may capture or kill your opponent armed forces or your own armed forces.

Biological bomb is a square piece with the symbol of biological image that travels on the square spaces. It captures the Armed Forces.

Hydrogen bomb is a round piece with the symbol of nuclear image that travels on the square spaces. It kills the Armed Forces.

Poison bomb is a square piece with the symbol of Poison image that travels on the triangle spaces. It captures the Armed Forces.

Atom bomb is a round piece with the symbol of nuclear image that travels on the triangle spaces. It kills the Armed Forces.

American Catur LLC announces new App and Board Game
SAN DIEGO, California – Aug. 26th, 2021 9AM PST // Today we are thrilled to announce American Catur Board Game and App has finally entered the arena of gaming. Members can now challenge the War Machine on Android and Apple platforms. We invite all chess players worldwide to get their team ready to play two on two with American Catur. The world has been awaiting the newest evolution of Chess and American Catur sure fits the bill as the most modernized version of the century!

September 11, 2021 | SAN DIEGO, CA -American Catur/CEO Eric Curtis Launches new App
Bringing this game to your home is a way of bringing family, friends and strangers together for a memorable experience. America's founding ideals—equality, freedom, and self-governance—are worth striving for and celebrating. We are the heritage and purpose we share as a nation. Celebrating those ideals and our commitment to them is the only way to bring people together. By playing American Catur as traditional table top or digitally at your fingertips, you can learn how to earn your place in America's Elite Fighting Force. Train your brain and transform your life by testing your strategy skillset in a whole new way.

Eric J Curtis CEO and Creator American Catur – “Success is creating a game in which all ages of people, friends and family can enjoy and bring back those forgotten feelings of fun and happiness with smiles and laughter once again!"

Date TBD | SAN DIEGO, CA – American Catur website membership available World-Wide
The American Catur website will be available for registration online to all members. Choose between 3 different tiers to enhance your gameplay and be a part of the AC community.
Premium players benefit from exclusive features to have the best game play experience with friends and loved-ones: shortened waiting times to join a game, ability to launch a game with friends & family and engage in audio/video chat.


American Catur was developed in the Fall of 2019 by CEO, Eric Curtis. The game was designed to modernize and amplify chess to our time period while withstanding the principles of equality, freedom and self-governance. The pieces represent the U.S. Military forces and there are new additions to take your gameplay to the next level. Experience over 1,000 different move combinations with the introduction of extra spaces, projectile chips, dice and ability to play two on two. If you don't have an opponent to play, no worries, the app available on Android and Apple, allows you to play against the War Machine to help savvy up your skills.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad) , Other

App Categories: Strategy

Nominated for: 2022 January AwardsBest New Mobile App

Price: $2.99, $4.99 and $3.99 iOS

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