Baby Names

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Baby Names

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More than 5,000 names with pronunciation!

"Baby Names" is here to help every parents-to-be to find just the right name for your baby through our intuitive search methods!

Need a name that starts with an "M", ends with a "R" and is in the 2010 top 100 names? No problem! Just use our search tab!

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Detailed information provided for each name! Tap on each meaning and see a map view of where the names originates!

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With 30,000 names to choose from, "Baby Names ??" is just what you need!


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baby, baby name, popular baby names, baby name origins, baby name meanings, gender, popularity

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android

App Categories: Family & Children

Nominated for: 2012 App AwardsBest Baby Name App

Price: Free

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