
Views: 3141
Fan Votes: 6


BuddyPhi is a social networking app connecting university students based on mutual subjects. BuddyPhi makes it easy for students to make new connections, build friendships, trade study materials, form study groups, improve grades, and enhance the overall university experience (socially and academically).

The idea was curated after having experienced challenges that are unsurprisingly shared by thousands of university students – new environment, too many new faces, everyone’s on busy schedules, and limited time or opportunities to mingle. Unfortunately, these have the potential to be distracting and can adversely impact grades.

BuddyPhi exists to help overcome these challenges.

App Promotional Video Explainer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoExuCB02uk&t=1s
Website: https://www.buddyphi.com

All registrations require a valid university email at registration, ensuring a secure verification process and a safe environment for students to connect. Once registered, users set up a profile with a brief biography, upload several profile pictures, and select their university and up to 4 university subjects (unique short code identifiers). Matches are shown based on students who have at least 1 mutual subject, and users can swipe to either connect or ignore. Mutual connects activate the chat feature, and conversations are sorted by matched subjects to ensure students are able to seek help when needed most.

BuddyPhi contains all relevant legal disclaimers (Terms of Use and Privacy Policy) and holds the intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks and copyrights). Currently offered in Australia, and (at a later date) to be launched worldwide.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Social Media / Networking

Nominated for: 2019 Summer AwardsBest New Mobile App 2019 Summer AwardsBest Mobile App Design 2018 July AwardsBest New Mobile App 2018 July AwardsBest Designed Mobile App

Price: Free

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