The Health Atlas by IHME app provides country-level findings from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) for non-commercial use. They are based on more than 115,000 different data sources used by researchers to produce the most scientifically rigorous estimates possible. Estimates from the GBD study may differ from national statistics due to differences in data sources and methodology. For the first time, you can now access this wealth of data from anywhere on your mobile device.
• View profiles for nearly 200 countries
• Compare trends for each country from 1990 to 2016
• Discover leading causes of death and injury by gender, age group, and geography
• Determine which diseases lead to the most loss of healthy life
• Measure years lived with disability by cause
• Customize and filter the data displayed in each graph
• Easily copy graphs and embed them in emails, texts, documents, and presentations
• Share noteworthy findings with your friends and co-workers on social networks and other apps