HomeAdvisor Multiplatform App

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HomeAdvisor Multiplatform App

HomeAdvisor is a leading digital home improvement marketplace that has connected more than 40 million homeowners to our network of nearly 140,000 home service professionals. HomeAdvisor understands that busy homeowners need to schedule home projects on-demand and on the go, that’s why we’ve created a mobile app that instantly connects homeowners with prescreened local professionals for nearly any home services or repair need.

Mobile App Features:
• Instantly Book – schedule appointments into a pro’s calendar using HomeAdvisor’s patent-pending on-demand scheduling tool
• Instantly Connect – Immediately speak with an available home service professional in less than a minute using HomeAdvisor’s patent-pending connection technology
• Readily compare availability of different service professionals
• Conveniently compare pricing for more than 500 home repair and improvement projects using the “in app” True Cost Guide.
• Check out customer verified rating and reviews for thousands of service professionals
• Track and save your favorite home professionals for easy reference next time
• The HomeAdvisor mobile app is compatible with iPhone, iPad, Android, and is the only home services company integrating on-demand technologies with smart home devices including iWatch and Amazon Echo. In addition, homeowners can now book home pro’s through social media sites like Facebook.

The HomeAdvisor app’s success speaks for itself. We’ve seen service requests via the mobile app increase by over 200% year over year. And, since the rollout of our suite of on-demand tools, we’ve doubled customer satisfaction scores, bringing them into alignment with e-commerce colossi such as Amazon and Apple.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad) , Other

App Categories: Lifestyle

Nominated for: 2016 Overall AwardsBest Overall App of 2016

Price: Free

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