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Tansplant Recipient Creates Personal Health Tracker App

After trying to monitor his health several different ways with no success . Glen Ogle decided to create MyBloodWorks App to monitor everything he needed to monitor his health. . Who better to create a medical App

WAUKEGAN, Apr 16, 2014 - MyBloodWorks will track your blood pressure readings, pulse, height and weight, which all have their own graphs. Monitor your blood tests side by side. Use the virtual medical secretary by tracking your medications, appointments, emergency phone numbers and have your medical history in your iPhone.

MyBloodWorks will help you in emergency situations, having your medication with you means you won't have to remember your medications and their details. A lot of information in MyBloodWorks can be used in case of an emergency.

I tried many ways to monitor my health. Until I created MyBloodWorks, it was very difficult to keep track of my health. One out of three Americans will get high blood pressure. Changes in your pulse can be a clue to something. Many people have blood tests. Diabetes is on the rise. MyBloodWorks will track YOUR health, if you only want to track some areas of your health in MyBloodWorks, then just track what YOU want.

As a transplant patient with years of dialysis under my belt, iv'e been to over 100 physician visits and stayed in hospitals over 6 months of my life, not including dialysis. I know what you need to monitor. I take suggestions on improving MyBloodWorks as I have already updated the App on a MyBloodWorks users suggestion. I think this is the easiest medical App on the App Store.

Glen Ogle

Devices and Platforms Supported: iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Health & Fitness

Nominated for: 2014 Summer AwardsBest Social / Lifestyle App

Price: 3.99

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