MyFitnessPal is the #1 nutrition and food tracking app highly recommended by fitness gurus, coaches, registered dietitians and nutritionists.
Since 2005, MyFitnessPal has empowered over 200 million users in over 120 countries to log food intake, record exercise activity and weight, track wellness habits, and achieve their health and fitness goals. As one of the world’s most trusted and leading resources on nutrition, MyFitnessPal’s mission is to ignite powerful nutrition and wellness change in members by empowering them to succeed on their own terms through personalized data-led insights, guidance, and unwavering support. With one of the largest food databases in the world comprising over 14 million foods, access to over 500 recipes, over 150 workout routines, 200 exercise demos and over 35 connected fitness partners, MyFitnessPal provides users with tools for positive healthy change.
With a new and improved redesign, MyFitnessPal members can log food, exercise, and weight right from the home screen. The new dashboard makes it easy to log consistently so members can stay on track and get results. Tracking macros and nutrients has never been easier with the Premium Macro, Heart Healthy, and Low Carb cards. No more tap, tap, tapping to get to the features members use every day.