Our mission is to change the world through news. We believe that those who read better know better. We have, therefore, made it our mission to provide information to engage citizens, because informed citizens are empowered citizens.
The top rated News-Republic app syndicates articles from almost 1,000 news providers in six languages including The Huffington Post, Associated Press and Reuters, to create individually curated news streams for users. News Republic shares 45,000 unique articles every daily and half a billion articles are read on the app every month. Over 12 million people around the globe read their news on News Republic apps (News Republic, AppyGeek and AppyGamer).
Users can select from over 1 million topics to create their own customized news digest with video, photographs and full articles, through an easy to use and visually appealing tile design. Additionally, the News-Republic app boasts the following specifics:
• 10 editions available: US, UK, FR, DE, IT, ES, CN, LATAM, MX (Aug.14), INT-En
• 1,000 licensed publishers from HuffPo to Cosmopolitan to TechCrunch and many more
• Winner of GooglePlay “Editor’s Choice” and the Tabby Award for best News App
• 45,000 licensed articles published every day
• 500M or Half a Billion articles read every month. That’s 200 articles read every second
News Republic empowers everyone with real-time access to global news from curated media sources. As an informed citizen, you decide what news you want to read, versus being fed what your local television station or newspaper feels is important.