Rom and the whale of dreams

Views: 3264
Fan Votes: 5

Rom and the whale of dreams

A multilingual & interactive storybook app, designed to inspire... 

•25 pages of beautiful text, illustrations and musical scores crafted by award-winning artists across the globe.
•Narrated in English, Spanish and Chinese + ‘Read-to-Myself’ option.
•Designed to engage: drag, tap, swipe to DISCOVER animation on every page to enhance the reading experience.
•Learn new languages with additional features including integrated on-page translation and multilingual vocabulary/expressions section with audio in every page.

Here is a youtube video to quickly gauge quality/content:

Devices and Platforms Supported: iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Family & Children

Nominated for: 2014 Spring AwardsBest App for Children and Toddlers

Price: 2.99



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