Messing around with our URL's are we?

That's ok, we're developers too, we get it. You want to see if we took the easy way out. You want to satisfy your hunger to catch developers using cheap labor, outsourcing and premade CMS's like Wordpress, Drupal, Magento, etc.

Sorry, we all na-tur-al. No premade CMS's used here. This site is 100% hand-coded in the USA. We are grass-fed and never outsourced.

Yes, we use Bootstrap for some UX help on our member dashboard, and yes we use some awesome JQuery plugins from some of the best in the industry, but we give credit in our code and are not embarrassed to say those plugins helped our site become as awesome as it is today.

Why are we telling you all this? Partly because we're tired of seeing all of the 404 pages rolling in as you search for things like "wp-login", "web_admin" and "simpleLogin". The other part is because we'd like to save you the hour in searching through our code to see what it's made with.

Love, my friend, it's made with love. Love for coding, passion for awesome websites, and lots of coffee.

The bigger question is what you will do now with your time now that we've helped you solve this enigma?

Well, see if you can code an algorithm that solves this riddle:

That hooters you probably frequent now sells chicken wings in orders of 6, 9, and 20.

What is the largest number of pieces of chicken you can not order from this restaurant?