Storm & Skye - magical adventure story for kids is an exciting, funny and touching story about courage, friendship and the boundless world of our imagination. It allows children of age 5 and over to fully immerse themselves in the adventure of Storm and Skye, two children who discover a magical passageway to a mysterious new world in a car wash. With over 45 minutes of illustrated and animated content, and more than 40 interactive elements, this beautifully narrated story offers an exciting journey into a magical world.
Storm & Skye and the Secret of the Car Wash is divided into nine chapters of approximately five minutes in length each. The chapters are vividly narrated and scored with film music. During playback children can interact with the scenes on screen, by touching hot spots, which trigger funny or exciting sound effects. Each chapter ends with an interactive scene, in which elements from the story can be moved and played around with. ‘Storm & Skye - magical adventure for kids’ sets a new quality standard for interactive picture books. The heartwarming tale with its beautiful illustrations, music and narration is guaranteed to inspire every child to plunge into their own vast imagination.