Imagine if you could bring up an ancestor on your smartphone from 100 years ago and talk to them as if they were still here. The things you could learn about them, directly from them, would be unforgettable! The whoowe mobile app lets you share your family history and life story in a way like never before - through virtual video conversation. Whoowe gives you questions about your life, experiences, and story which you answer in short selfie videos. The app than creates an interactive 2 person experience that family, friends, and future generations can talk to, asking your profile questions, and getting answers as if on a live video call, now, and far into the future. Your great grandchildren will be able to learn about you in a way no photo album, diary, or home video can ever give them. Loved ones get an intimate and personal experience in learning about the unique people that made them possible. You can also create your own family specific questions, upload additional photos, videos, and documents to create a complete history collection, search and connect to other family members on whoowe to build an interactive Living family tree, and more. Whoowe is available for free download on both Google Play and the App Store. Start creating an amazing historical experience to pass on to your present and future loved ones with whoowe! What will your legacy say?