A listing of all mobile apps that have been nominated for an award
Baby Names+
Get the #1 baby naming app! Better than any book, browse through thousands of possible baby names using a friendly, easy to use interface. See the details of each name, including origin, meaning, pronunciation,...
Best Baby Name App
Categories: family & children, lifestyle
Baby Names
Get inspired!
Find your perfect baby name with origin, meaning & popularity!
More than 5,000 names with pronunciation!
"Baby Names" is here to help every parents-to-be to find just the right name for...
Nominated for:
Best Baby Name App
Categories: family & children
EasyBiz Plus
EasyBiz is a mileage app designed to track & estimate your mileage returns with as little hassle as possible. Combined with our award winning user interface, we have added in a wide range of new features...
Nominated for:
Best GPS-Enabled App
Categories: business and finance
YouMail serves as a digital assistant that helps users increase productivity and be more efficient in managing voice messages. YouMail transcribes messages into text, and then sends them as emails to users,...
Nominated for:
Best Business & Productivity App
Categories: productivity
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