Best Baby Name App

2013 Overall Awards

App Award Contest: Best Baby Name App

Best Baby Name App
2013 Overall Awards

This award is given to the app which offers the most comprehensive and feature-rich baby name experience. UI design and ease of use are also taken into consideration.

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This contest has ended

The Winner's Table

Logo for Simply Baby Names

Simply Baby Names

Simple baby name generator consisting of 44,000+ baby names. Having trouble coming up with a name for your future newborn? Here is a comprehensive list of 44,000+ baby names by origins along with their...


Best Baby Name App

Categories: family & children, lifestyle



Logo for 50,000 Baby Names Free

50,000 Baby Names Free

50,000 Baby names & meanings from every country in the world for FREE!Celebrating over 2 Million Downloads!If you can't find the perfect name with 50000 Baby Names it doesn't exist! Download our Free...


Best Baby Name App

Categories: entertainment, family & children, health & fitness, lifestyle



Nominees for 2013 Overall Awards - Best Baby Name App

Logo for Simply Baby Names

Simply Baby Names

Simple baby name generator consisting of 44,000+ baby names. Having trouble coming up with a name for your future newborn? Here is a comprehensive list of 44,000+ baby names by origins along with their...


Best Baby Name App

Categories: family & children, lifestyle



Logo for 50,000 Baby Names Free

50,000 Baby Names Free

50,000 Baby names & meanings from every country in the world for FREE!Celebrating over 2 Million Downloads!If you can't find the perfect name with 50000 Baby Names it doesn't exist! Download our Free...


Best Baby Name App

Categories: entertainment, family & children, health & fitness, lifestyle
