A breathtaking picnic

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A breathtaking picnic

A fun-packed interactive tale to help children discover that lives can be saved with a few simple steps.
This app has been created by Elastico for the non-profit association IRC (Italian Resuscitation Council), as part of the "Kids Save Lives" project, supported by the World Health Organization, for the diffusion of basic first aid skills to schoolchildren.

The story of Tum-Tum the Bear and the Squirrel Family is a playful way of conveying a fundamental concept: in case of cardiac arrest and choking, we can take action – indeed, we must! With a few simple steps: you just need to learn them, as soon as possible, perhaps through play. So get started right away: take your children into the magical woodland world, listen to the story… and touch everything you see on the screen. You'll get a lot of surprises! In the part dedicated to mums and dads, you will find some essential information on what to do in these emergency situations.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Family & Children

Nominated for: 2016 Overall AwardsBest Overall App of 2016

Price: free

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