
Views: 1581
Fan Votes: 53


Appiliate connects the top property agencies in Malaysia together to sell the best property to our customers. You can find any type of property that you are looking for through Appiliate. Appiliate is seeking the opportunity to cooperate with all of the top agencies and create value to the buyers.

Appiliate has its own website to allow all of the partners access by one-click to a quick check on the payment update, view the latest trends of property projects at a single glance, co-broke in interested property by one-click and easy access to track their commission status. During this digital age, Appiliate has its own website aimed to double efficiency the workflow and reduce the workload especially on the admin part.

The most important part for a property agency including the property you sold to customers, the commission payout for your agents and the property you would like to co-broke with others. With the website of Appiliate, you can operate and manage these with just one click! You can get the latest update on the new launch project and send announcement to all of your agents through Appiliate. Furthermore, you can track your commission payout status by one-click through the website of Appiliate, there is no more asking and waiting on your commission payout status as you can found it through Appiliate!

Besides, there is a different kind of property projects in Appiliate. If you found your interested project in Appiliate, you may register for co-broke by one-click through Appiliate. Appiliate was double efficiency than others with a user-friendly layout. It’s also one of the best property agencies platforms in Malaysia.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad) , Web-Based Application

App Categories: Business and Finance

Nominated for: 2021 June ContestBest New Mobile App 2021 Overall AwardsBest Mobile App of 2021 2021 Overall AwardsBest Mobile App of 2021

Price: Free

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