
Views: 2271
Fan Votes: 5


Caribu? is the world’s first cross-platform app which ?lets kids draw, play games, and read in a video-call with their?parents?, grandparents? and other family members no matter how far apart they are. It’s ?an ?engaging?, child-friendly shared?-screen? ?experience? ?that? ?allows users to ?read,? ?draw,? cook a recipe, enjoy an art activity, ?and play? ?games? in? ?an? ?interactive? ?video-call. With limited opportunities to be with friends and family during the pandemic, Caribu is an app that’s more relevant than ever, helping users to stay social at a distance through virtual playdates and other forms of entertainment.

With an ?in-app? ?library? ?filled? ?with? ?1500+? ?titles? ?from? ?leading? ?children’s? ?publishers,? ?in? ?eight? ?languages,? ?and? ?coloring? ?activities? ?that? ?can? ?be? experienced together, content is available from leading brands in childhood entertainment and education. With a wide array of content and the list of partners growing larger, Caribu provides unique experiences for kids ages 0-13. From high-contrast picture books for babies 0-3, to high-quality activities for the 4-7 year old set, and recipes and craft projects for 8-12 year olds, the app has an activity for every age. Additionally, Caribu keeps grandparents active and engaged while reading to their grandkids as well.? The? ?company? has users ?in? ?200+? ?countries,? ??won? ?numerous? ?international? ?and? ?national? ?awards? ?such? ?as? ?being? ?named? ?one? ?of? ?TIME? ?Magazine’s? ?Best? ?Inventions?,? ?and? ?is? ?backed? ?by? ?celebrity? ?investors? ?and? ?great? ?partners? ?such? ?as? ?AT&T, DC Comics, ?Revolution’s? ?Rise? ?of? ?the? ?Rest? ?Seed? ?Fund,? ?and? ?Toyota.? ?

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Books & Reference , Education , Entertainment , Family & Children , Educational , Family

Nominated for: 2020 Summer AwardsBest New Mobile App

Price: Free for summer 2020

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