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With IQ Robot, the trader (who only needs £10 to open an account with IQ Option) sets all the parameters - exposure, limits on cost, put options, call options, the entity to be traded (dollar/sterling, euro/Swiss franc, etc) - and then lets the robot do the rest. In other words, trades will be carried out according to your instructions and you need never worry again about missing a window of opportunity because your computer has just frozen or you lose your signal while trading on your phone. And because you are able to set the limit on how much you’re prepared to lose, you needn’t worry either about losses spiralling out of control.
In addition, should your IQ Robot and strategy prove particularly successful, you can farm it out to other IQ Option users and, conversely, other users’ robots may be listed for your use. With this innovative product, trading is efficient and effective. Even the binary options are a piece of cake – every trader’s dream.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Business and Finance

Nominated for: 2016 Overall AwardsBest Overall App of 2016

Price: Free

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