Johnny Speed

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Fan Votes: 3

Johnny Speed

Mindgrub worked with Vehicles for Change, a non-profit organization providing cars to low-income families, to develop a mobile game modeled after “Johnny Speed," a fictional speed racer who is desperate to escape the media. At the start of the game, the player is introduced to Johnny Speed's victorious race at the World Speedway Tour. This victory brings about new fortune and fame, which is accompanied by constant surveillance by the press. Leaving the stadium that day, Johnny Speed attempts to flee the paparazzi by doing what got him the fame in the first place --speed racing! At that point, the player takes over Johnny Speed's car and must dodge obstacles, navigate barriers, and flee the paparazzi.

The application was designed using Corona SDK, a mobile game development engine. The Mindgrub team used previous experience with the engine to come up with simple game controls, determine the best length for game levels, and calibrate the balance between challenge and difficulty. The graphics were all custom built to coordinate with the overall story of the game. The top-down perspective of the car capitalizes on the vertical orientation of the phone screen. Realistic controls enhance the unique game play experience.

Within the app, there are various ways to monetize the application experience through in-app purchases, including vehicle upgrades. Advertisement space is provided for both partners or sponsors. As an added bonus, Vehicles for Change incorporated the opportunity to win a free car from their organization, based on quarterly prize drawings from the game's real-time leaderboard. Overall, the game serves as a unique marketing campaign to increase brand exposure for the non-profit organization.

Devices and Platforms Supported: Android , iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories:

Nominated for: 2017 Overall AwardsBest Mobile Game of 2017 2015 Overall AwardsBest Mobile Game

Price: Free

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