Oriflame Makeup Wizard is an Android and iOS app which enables virtual try-on of makeup from the Oriflame The ONE brand. Using the phone’s built-in camera, a user can virtually apply lipsticks, mascaras, eyeshadows, blush and eyeliners and get a real-time view of how they look. Once a user has chosen a look, it’s really easy to add the selected products to the shopping bag and buy them from the Oriflame website.
The app is based on TryCore, a core try-on module developed within the Dynamo Concept Studio and includes integration with face-tracking libraries as well as advanced algorithms to apply makeup or other graphic elements on the correct position of the face.
Dynamo also designed the complete flow for the application based on Oriflame design standards. The app is developed for Android and iPhone and includes integration with Oriflame product catalogue and e-commerce system to be able to try out and purchase products.
Today, the app is only available in Sweden, Norway, UK, Ireland and Spain, but it will be rolled out gradually to 50-60 markets before end of February