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Love books but don't have time to read? Or are you looking for book recommendations & book reviews? Do you also want to listen to podcasts?

Meet PodNu – Podcast Player & Book Insights app.

Our podcast player & book summaries app provides the essence and interpretation of books for you every week. We're there for those who don't have time to read, or for those who don't know which book to read and commit to. We're welcoming all readers to join us, and so grow together as people and as a community. Books make lives better. PodNu is here to help a book help you.


Explore our free and premium book insights. Whether you are looking for book recommendations on what to read, or you want book summaries to understand and experience the book without reading it, PodNu is the ideal app for you.


Use our advanced podcast finder to discover podcasts that match your interest. From Art and Health & Fitness podcasts to Education and Politics podcasts, you are sure to find new podcasts that will improve your life. Also, search podcasts by keyword and listen to your favorite podcasts, or podcasts that you'll discover elsewhere.


Make use of an easy-to-use podcast player. Download episodes, speed up, favorite, use AirPlay, skip forward/backward and take total control of the podcast listening experience. Not only that, but all podcasts are of the highest quality allowing you to fully enjoy the content.


- PodNu book insight exclusive episodes
- Unique insights into the world's most wonderful books.
- Help people with little time to decide which book to commit to and read through properly.
- Discover more with the podcasts search engine.
- Podcasts are categorized into numerous categories
- Search Podcasts by keyword
- Excellent sound quality
- Ad-free podcast & book app
- Background play
- Download play
- Handy podcast player features: fast forward/backward, go to next episode, favorite, AirPlay, speed up

Now it's time to discover books and podcasts that will improve your life!

? Download PodNu Podcasts & Book Insights for FREE!


From podcast and book recommendations to discussions about specific books and podcasts, the PodNu community is sure to expand your life horizons. Join our community now:

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- Auto-renewable subscription
- 7-day free trial
- $4.99 / month. To unlock all features and all premium episodes by monthly payment.
- $49.99 / year. To unlock all features and all premium episodes by annual payment.

Terms of Use: https://www.podnu.com/terms-of-use

Privacy Policy: https://www.podnu.com/privacy-policy

Devices and Platforms Supported: iOS (iPhone / iPad)

App Categories: Books & Reference , Business and Finance , Education , Entertainment , Family & Children , Health & Fitness , Lifestyle

Nominated for: 2021 Winter AwardsBest New Mobile App

Price: Free


books podcast

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