Opera Max was created to provide a solution. Head of Product, Sergey Lossev, realized from his frequent commuting in the Bay Area, he would quickly hit his monthly mobile data usage limit. With that in mind, he set out to create an app that could help users have better control over their data usage. Opera Max’s unique interface gives users a clear cut picture of how much data they have uses, what apps are using the most data, and how much they are saving with the app.
Opera Max works by routing all cellular internet traffic through Opera's servers, which then compress the content and send it back to the users phone in a smaller package. It hangs out in the background, so users can use all of their normal apps and still benefit from the compression.
Once the app traffic is in our data savings cloud we do real time video compression (capable of transcoding and trans-rating), image compression, text/webpage zipping as well as other optimizations to reduce the total size of data that hits the cellular connection of the device connected to our cloud. Together this is the most advanced mobile data compression or mobile data savings cloud we know of.
We are working on an iOS version of Opera Max, so that we can bring our data savings service to users regardless of which of the top 2 smartphone platforms they are on.