Mobile App Development Articles

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Top 5 reasons why most mobile apps fail

This article is posted in Mobile App Development

Over half of all mobile apps on the market today will have to be completely replaced or rewritten in the next two years. This scary statistic highlights that there is a very complex, resource-rich and problemsome process involved in making a mobile app successful. After hearing stories from hundreds of mobile app developers, here are the top five reasons why most mobile apps fail as a business.Problem 1: making a complicated mobile appBusiness websites and webapps work in a common fashion - users log in, na...
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How to Get Started in iPhone/iPad App Development

This article is posted in Mobile App Development

App development is very easy to get started in. Apps are the hottest thing in the technology field right now and there’s plenty of money to be made in the development business. But if you are just a regular Joe with no background in app development, you need to know where to get your start.First things first, you’ll need the right software and hardware. You have to be running a Mac with OS X 10.8 or higher. You’ll need Apple’s IDE, Xcode and you’ll need iOS SDK. Xcode has a sou...
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iOS vs. Android: Which App to Develop First

This article is posted in Mobile App Development

The long asked question of which mobile app market to develop for, if you don’t have the resources to develop an iPhone app and Android app simultaneously, might be a bit clearer than you might think. Depending on your needs and strategy for developing your app, a particular platform may be a better fit to develop for first. Below are four topics to take into consideration when deciding which mobile app store to develop for first. Mobile Traffic Prior to deciding which mobile app s...
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