Food for thought Articles

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How Did Mobile Games Become So Popular?

This article is posted in Food for thought

Mobile games are hugely popular—and that’s not likely to change anytime soon. Last year, the mobile gaming industry raked in around $184 billion in global revenue. That’s a massive uptick from the previous decade when mobile games were starting to take off.  So, what’s behind the surge in popularity? Though mobile gaming has blossomed thanks to concerted efforts, game developers didn’t exactly have their sights set on mobile to transform the industry. In the early and mid-2010s, there was a greater fo...
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Welcome to the new era, where cars drive themselves, flying toys deliver our food, robots perform complex surgeries, and our entire lives are seamlessly contained into palm-sized devices.  Like crypto, which revolutionized the way we perceive and manage finances, smartphones have gone beyond being a means for communication but have evolved into multifunctional hubs that seamlessly integrate various aspects of our lives, including work, entertainment, education, navigation, social networking, and inves...
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Why You Should't Install Too Many Apps

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While it may be tempting to install every app that you come across that looks even remotely interesting, there is a handful of good arguments for why you shouldn't install too many apps. Remind yourself of the following reasons the next time that you think about downloading that app that you saw advertised.You Will Fill Up Your PhoneAlmost all phones out today still store all of their apps on the physical hard drive of the device. This capacity is only so big and when you install too many apps you fill up t...
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5 Easy Steps To Creating Your Own Mobile App

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Now that smartphones dominate our lives, everyone is trying to come up with an idea. Even if you have an amazing new idea for an app, the chances are that you don't know how to make one. With these five steps you can take your app idea and make it reality and a business.Create A PlanThe first step to making any mobile app is to create a solid plan. You are going to want to have an idea of how you are going to handle each step. The best way to start is to write all of your ideas down on a piece of paper and...
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Top 5 Signs You Are Addicted To Your Mobile Device

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Addiction to mobile devices is a real problem in today's day and age where they have become such an integral part of our daily life. The largest population with this problem is kids who spend most of their time on their mobile devices but everyone has the potential to fall prey to mobile device addiction. Here are the top five signs that you are addicted to a mobile device. You Think About Your Phone Constantly If you are constantly thinking about your phone, even when it is not around than you are probabl...
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