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Can you record a podcast using an iPhone?

Posted in Food for thought on October 15, 2024

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You’ve finally decided that you want to create a podcast. It’s high time the world hears your voice because you have plenty to say. Maybe you’re an Apple enthusiast like applevox and want to share your tech wizardry with the world. Regardless of the reason, you have just one issue: you’re wondering if you can use your iPhone to record your podcast.

The realities of using your iPhone

You’re probably wondering can you record audio on iphone? The short answer to that question is yes. You don’t need a computer to start a podcast. You can use your iPhone to record your podcast. However, as your podcast grows and you start to make money, you will want to invest some of it into a computer.

Podcasting using your iPhone is completely possible, and many people have started out that way. They have a dream, a phone, and something to say. What more do you need? Well, the truth is, you need quite a bit more, but if you’re just starting out, you’ll have to work with what you have.

Find a quiet place to record

People who listen to podcasts don’t want to listen to a lot of background noise. Recording your podcast at a coffee shop full of loud people won’t produce good results. If you can’t record at home, at the very least, try to find someplace quiet, like a park.

Your iPhone’s microphone is sensitive and will pick up a surprising amount of noise around you. If you’re recording at the park, for example, and there are people playing basketball, it’s entirely people that the microphone will pick up some of the sounds. Also, the sounds that it picks up might sound like odd fragments to listeners, and it could make them stop listening.

Use GarageBand to edit your podcast

Some of you might think that GarageBand is only available to those using an Apple computer, but you can use it on your iPhone, too. The iPhone app isn’t as robust as what you find on the computer, but in this situation, it’s the best you’re going to get.

The big advantage to GargeBand is that it’s completely free. It won’t take you long to learn how to use it, and there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube. Keep in mind that GarageBand is a great tool, but it can’t work wonders. If you’re recording in a noisy place or if there’s some hardcore editing that needs to be done, GarageBand won’t be able to do it.

Editing your podcast is important, but if you’re careful about where you record and make sure you don’t mumble or stumble across your words, editing shouldn’t be a big deal. Also, don’t forget that you’re not going to become super famous overnight, so if there are flaws in your first few podcasts, there won’t be many people listening to them.

Don’t forget to upload your podcast once it’s done

If you don’t have an internet connection at home, you’ll need to find some Wi-Fi to upload your podcast to the internet. You can use Anchor or Podbean to upload and distribute your podcast. All you have to do is upload your podcast audio recording to them, and they’ll make it so people can download it.

Something to consider when choosing podcast hosting is if they offer free editing tools. Another thing to consider is the limitations of free accounts. Read the fine print for each podcast host and also email them if you have any questions. Since most of the free podcast hosts also have a paid version of their services, they usually have attentive customer service and will answer all of your questions.

Yes, it’s possible to start a podcast with just an iPhone

Should you? Well, why not? You’ve got an iPhone and something important to say. Don’t forget to promote your podcast on social media to get some extra listeners. Starting a podcast takes a lot of work, but if you’re dedicated to recording the best podcast possible and promoting it, there’s no reason why you can’t be the next Joe Rogan.