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Dealing With the Top 4 Hurdles in Flutter Development

Posted in Technology on September 17, 2024

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Did you know that Flutter is the leading mobile app development software in the market? In 2023, Statista revealed that nearly 46% of software developers worldwide used Flutter in 2022 and 2023. It’s a versatile cross-platform app development solution that allows the use of a single codebase for apps that work across multiple platforms.

However, it comes with a set of challenges like state management and performance optimization. We will take a look at those challenges and the possible solutions in this article. As a result, you will have more knowledge to create efficient, portable, and highly functional mobile apps using Flutter.

What Is Flutter Used For?

Fluter mobile development software is an open-source framework that Google developed in 2017. It was designed to help developers create natively-compiled applications using a single codebase for multiple platforms. These platforms include:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Desktop
  • Web apps

With a single codebase and native-like experiences, the applications made with Flutter could be highly portable. That means that as a developer, you can ensure high-performance and beautiful applications without having to maintain different codebases for different platforms.

Many business owners and startups are also increasing their focus on Flutter mobile app development services. This helps them delegate key app development processes to experienced and skillful professionals.

Navigating 4 Common Challenges in Flutter Development

It’s common to overlook the most common challenges in Flutter development, especially during the start of a new project and if you’re new to the space. But these challenges require special attention to make sure you’re able to develop high-performance and appealing applications.

  1. Complexity of State Management in Flutter Apps

Managing the state of an application is perhaps one of the most challenging tasks when working with Flutter. It becomes an increasingly complex challenge to deal with, especially as your app grows and offers multiple features or benefits.

Common Issues

  • Code bloat. This issue occurs when your application has grown significantly, taking on more features and backend assets. It makes state management difficult, especially for moving the app, due to its size and code complexity.
  • Debugging issues. When there are frequent state changes, it is difficult to pinpoint a certain stage at which you can solve state-related bug issues.
  • Performance concerns. If the developer is unable to test and debug the apps that are going through state changes frequently, it can lead to performance bottlenecks.


  • Provider. You can use the simple solution called Provider, which uses the “InheritedWidgets” feature to overview the state across the widget tree.
  • Riverpod. Another solution is the Riverpod caching framework that allows for better testability and smoother scalability.
  • Bloc (Business Logic Component). It is ideal for more complex applications where you need to separate the UI code from business logic.
  • GetX. This one here is for simplicity and performance. The GetX is a comprehensive state management tool that allows route management and features like dependency injection.
  1. Performance Optimization in Flutter Apps

Every user in this digital age wants a mobile app that is fast, smooth, and agile. Hence, a slow and sluggish app will put your brand or business in a bad light. It also leads to poor user experience and a potential decline in credibility. Nearly 38% of users cited poor user experience as a reason for uninstalling an app in 2022.

Common Issues

  • Slow animations. If you conduct inefficient rendering or rebuild widgets excessively in Flutter, it would lead to animation lags.
  • Memory leaks and junk. Surprisingly, unused resources can degrade app performance over time. However, this mostly happens when there are memory leaks due to coding issues.
  • Heavy widgets. If you use unnecessary nesting or overly complex widgets based on the app’s current capability, it can also lead to slow rendering times.


  • Use performance profiling tools. You should use built-in tools like Flutter DevTools to monitor and analyze app performance bottlenecks.
  • Use const constructors. This can help you reduce the number of widget rebuilds.
  • Keep widget building efficient. To keep the apps working smoothly, try not to create too many widgets that you would have to move out.
  1. Creating Responsive UIs Across Devices

Imagine a situation where your laptop’s battery dies and you have to quickly switch to the next best thing near you, maybe a tablet. However, the task at hand remains incomplete because the app you were using is not so responsive and rather laggy on a different device. That’s one of the main challenges for developers, i.e., creating a responsive UI that adapts to the screen sizes and orientations of multiple devices.

Common Issues

  • Consistent layout. It can be difficult to maintain a consistent app layout across multiple devices with varying screen sizes and orientations.
  • Scaling media content. The media content like images and videos also needs to be consistent in terms of quality and usability across devices.
  • Different aspect ratios. Users don’t stick to one device and usually have multiple. Therefore, the app must consider the different aspect ratios of each device.


  • Use the MediaQuery and LayoutBuilder tools. These tools will help you build responsive UIs that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
  • Deploy the flutter_responsive plugin. It is a plugin that will also help you create a responsive and adaptive layout that automatically adjusts based on screen dimensions.
  • Include flexibility in code. Additionally, you can use the “Expanded” and “Flexible” widgets to create layouts that dynamically adjust to available space on the screen.
  1. Issues in Comprehensive Testing and Debugging

Lastly, adequate testing and debugging can introduce a few challenges in the process when you’re developing mobile apps with Flutter. 

Common Issues

  • Incomplete test coverage. When there’s a complex mobile app at hand, it can be extremely difficult to conduct comprehensive tests, much less ensure complete test coverage.
  • Flaky tests. Many times, complex app testing can lead to flaky tests. This happens when the same test passes one time, and then fails at another time.
  • Debugging asynchronous code. Flutter uses asynchronous code, which can be slightly difficult to debug mainly because of async operations and multiple state changes.


  • Conduct unit testing. You can write appropriate tests to verify and check individual functions (or even classes).
  • Perform widget testing. You can perform individual widget testing to see if each one renders correctly and behaves as expected.
  • Utilize Flutter DevTools. Moreover, you can use Flutter DevTools like CPU profiler, widget inspector, and performance view for debugging and improving code quality.
  • Do integration testing. Finally, you can perform integration testing to validate end-to-end functionality to make sure your app is smooth and operational across multiple platforms.

Wrapping Up

The app design and development market will continue to grow as global users look for more convenient ways to interact with brands. Therefore, it is no surprise that to cut costs even further and take advantage of that, many startups and business owners turn to Flutter.

This allows them to free up internal resources and get professional expertise on board to create useful and intuitive apps. Moreover, it also helps address other common challenges like hot reload limitations, build size complications, and native code integration.

Experienced Flutter mobile app development helps keep the app size optimal for smooth performance and faster download. In addition, Flutter developers face complications trying to unify that single codebase with legacy code or pre-existing native codebases.

Despite all those challenges, Flutter remains one of the most popular platforms for app development due to its convenience, feature-rich UI, and performance. It also requires less maintenance, making it a viable option for startups and business owners.