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Specifics on Creating a Language Learning App

Specifics on Creating a Language Learning App

Posted in Mobile App Development on December 21, 2022

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The Best Programming Language For App Development

Education is the basis of cultural, spiritual, and physical development. It contributes to economic well-being and the successful socialization of a person. The question of education is especially acute in our time when the development of technology makes it possible for an increasing number of people to receive it while exerting less and less effort.

In modern realities, without mastering different languages, it is difficult for a person to realize his potential and achieve his goals. Based on this interest, how to create a language learning app becomes more intense.

We live in a fast-paced world, and technological progress is happening at such a rate that it is difficult for us to keep up. One of the currently popular ways of learning a foreign language is specialized software. Increasingly, people resort to studying all the features of such studying. At the same time, some are learning the secrets of developing language learning apps, and creating their products, like Many materials devoted to different aspects of a single issue can significantly expand horizons.

In just a few years, the mobile phone market has changed dramatically with the advent of smartphones, and the number of people owning such devices is growing, especially among young people. Using learning apps like duolingo will provide a wide range of opportunities. The latter made it possible to learn a foreign language without leaving home and without communicating with native speakers personally.

Mobile applications not only involve participants in the interactive process but can also become an advertising medium. Learning how to make an app like duolingo and the following workflow is complex. However, with the maximum return from specialists, it will be possible to implement any ideas, regardless of complexity. Mobile applications are required for the following:

  • self-study;
  • entertainment;
  • productivity improvement;
  • profit;
  • and many other things.

The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies affects all spheres of human life, including education. Internet resources, computers, this or another app like duolingo, and other technologies are popular among teachers. Therefore, there is a need to study the possibilities of using modern info-communication technologies in education, in particular in teaching foreign languages.

Features of Various Apps to Learn Languages

One of the most difficult methodological problems in mobile learning is the development of criteria for classifying applications for studying. When considering how to code a language learning app, it is necessary to understand the features of the various categories.

Among them are didactic mobile applications that can be used to develop speech skills, and instrumental mobile applications, not intended for educational purposes. Pay attention to studying the essence of each of them to make your own language app that meets all the requested criteria. In turn, didactic mobile apps can be created by:

  • publishers and commercial organizations (such as Free ESL Apps Interactive English, etc.);
  • teacher, according to a template based on a ready-made application (for instance, Quizlet);
  • teacher, using an instrumental mobile application for a specific operating system (for example, Moodle).

It will be a great strategy to include reading a plethora of materials in learning how to make a language learning app. There are many resources available for this, among which are and more. However, it is significant to pay attention to the quality of the platform to receive only trusted information. At the same time, it may be useful for you to get acquainted with the experience of other people posted on or official pages on well-known social networks.

It will be equally valuable to analyze the work of the popular representatives of the chosen industry. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly understand how to make a learning app, highlighting the various nuances that will be useful when creating your product. Take a look at them.

World Famous Field Representatives

There are several mobile applications aimed at developing language competence. Among them are Duolingo, Practice English Grammar, Quizlet, LearnEnglish Kids: Phonics Stories, Merriam-Webster Dictionary, LinguaLeo, and so on.

For instance, the last one includes interactive learning tasks on audio and video recordings, written texts, exercises, tests, and others, aimed at developing language competence. The Quizlet service can work on PCs and mobile devices and allows you to create vocabulary cards for familiarization with and memorizing it, offering subsequent exercises for training and consolidating the learned vocabulary.

Analyzing various learning apps like duolingo will help you understand the full scope of the chosen topic and the range of possibilities involved. The Practice English Grammar app allows you to practice vocabulary and grammar through exercises, including sentence building, multiple-choice tests, listening comprehension with questions, and more.

A spectrum of mobile services will help you master the ways to form and formulate thoughts with the help of language and the ability to use these methods for the perception and generation of speech. Recent ones include SeaSaw, VoiceThread, SpeakingPal, and others.

For example, a communication service called SeaSaw allows you to record your audio and video to train your speech skills. Story Maker, ESLvideo, and Memrise are aimed at developing sociocultural competence. The latter offers a wide range of topics for study (art, science, entertainment, etc.), as well as various types of tasks.

Using Chatbots

Despite imperfect intelligence, big companies (like Apple, Google, and Amazon) have already placed chatbots at the center of their flagship devices. Chatbots are currently populating the Internet, acting as guides, salespeople, and helpers.

Many researchers agree that chatbots will eventually become the perfect language learning partner, allowing us to learn multiple languages anywhere, anytime, and at our own pace. For this reason, if you want to understand how to create a language learning app, do not neglect to study the specifics of these features.


Over the past three decades, Internet communication has gone from extreme to normal. The number of spheres containing various software is becoming more and more. The lion's share of the latter is devoted to education, including the study of foreign languages. By studying this topic in more depth and objectively evaluating the experience of other developers, you can create a language app that will captivate users from all over the world.