Articles relating to 'retention'

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Mobile App Promotion: All-in-One Guide

This article is posted in Mobile App Marketing

Creating a successful mobile app takes a lot more thought and consideration than simply having an innovative concept. Apps must be built to take into an account the marketing and promotion features that will be needed along the app’s lifespan to attract and retain users.Timing is KeyDon’t assume that as soon as your app is complete that it would be best to launch right away. Take a look at the season and the time of year you are planning to launch as it relates to your app and your target market...
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4 Mistakes to Avoid when Marketing a Mobile App

This article is posted in Mobile App Marketing

Creating a mobile application is a difficult task in and of itself, but in order to be successful, the work cannot stop there. The best mobile apps are not only developed with even the finest of details in mind, but also have a solid plan in place even before launch to market it strategically to the relevant user base.Below are 4 marketing mistakes that can make or break the success of your mobile app:Thinking mobile is a smaller version of desktopThe best apps are those that utilize the features of a mobil...
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