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Understanding and Mitigating OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks

Understanding and Mitigating OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks

Posted in Technology on September 18, 2024

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The use of mobile phones exceeds computers at 95.9% and 62.2% respectively. Mobile phone market share stands at 59.92% against computers at 37.87% in 2024. In total, phone users can download from a pool of 8.93 million apps. This large number of apps makes them a major hacking target globally. OWASP helps developers improve app security through various resources. One of the important resources is the OWASP Mobile Top 10 Risks. This resource explains in depth about the risks and how to avoid them. Users and developers should understand these risks for better protection of mobile devices.

1. Improper platform usage

Wrong platform usage involves failure to follow guidelines and protocols for using features in these platforms. These features may include security configuration and permissions settings. One of the common improper uses is API misuse. The tool may ask for excess permissions and end up exposing the platform to risks.

Developers should ask for permission when it is very necessary. Follow permissions guidelines and set up only the critical security controls. Understand the official guidelines for each mobile operating system and follow them. This helps minimize the chances of exploiting the apps.

Developers should pay attention to platform security, especially with ecommerce. To achieve this, they should develop top-notch tools for preventing and fixing cybersecurity issues once they happen. The tools they develop should help detect vulnerabilities and mitigate them. This is what Moonlock, a leading cybersecurity platform, does. It invests in providing top cybersecurity solutions with its powerful engine. The platform supports organizations in protecting data while their teams work on Macs. Their detailed solutions meet the demands of modern cybersecurity. They do this through continuous innovation and partnering with clients.

2. Insecure data storage

Mobile applications store sensitive data like credit information and passwords. Exposing this information gives hackers the leeway to misuse it. This information should stay hidden to prevent hackers from viewing it. One of the solutions is encryption which makes the information illegible. 

Hackers cannot read it unless they have the encryption key with them. Another solution is for developers to secure storage. One of the ways to do this is to integrate a keychain within the mobile system. The iOS and Android for instance have the Keychain and Keystore respectively. These methods ensure data is always safe in mobile phone and app storage.

3. Insecure communication

Mobile apps communicate with other apps within a device for different goals. They also communicate with apps on other devices, gateways, and security systems. This communication involves the transfer of data from one platform or application to the next. This data should be protected because it can be intercepted during transmission. Hackers might use attacks like Man-in-the-middle to redirect it.

Developers should set up secure transmission protocols in mobile devices. Protocols like SSL/TLS keep data secure during transmission. They should set up the latest cryptographic algorithms since outdated ones can be cracked. This makes it harder to intercept data during communication across devices.

4. Insecure authentication

User login verification is important to ensure there’s no illegal access to accounts. This process should be strong to prevent hacking or guessing. An app can have weak logins if the details are simple or easy to guess. This leads to insecure authentication which leads to data loss and identity theft. The solution to this is ensuring a strong authentication process.

Prompt users to fill in strong passwords when creating user accounts. It starts with a strong password that combines characters like caps, lowercase, and numbers. Require users to set up a second authentication layer. This measure requires the user to enter an OTP or confirm authenticity by tapping a link in their email.

5. Insufficient cryptography

Cryptography is codes that help protect app data. If this cryptography is weak, encryption will be weak too. It is considered weak if cryptography is outdated or has a weak structure. This leaves loopholes through which hackers can break into the apps. They do it to steal useful data like passwords and banking details. Here are the solutions. 

  • Use cryptography from trusted libraries.
  • Understand the latest established standards and follow them.
  • Avoid methods like SHA-1 and D5.
  • Use the latest methods like AES and SHA-256.
  • Develop patches for these methods and update them regularly.

6. Insecure authorization

User controls give authorization for the things the user can do or not do with an app. These permissions are granted depending on the responsibilities of an individual. Improper authorization settings lead to serious data breaches. It can cause serious system problems and data losses. 

The solution should be to set up restricted access controls. Set the app permissions such that different users access only the data they need. Create a role-based access control (RBAC) system. This system sets unique access permissions depending on user responsibilities. It limits the chances of illegal access to mobile apps and systems.

7. Client code quality

The code is a significant determinant of app quality and security. A weak code leads to many security flaws that easily cause data theft or loss. Insecure code contains bugs that leave gaps for cross-site scripting and SQL injection breaches. These become weak points from which hackers easily break into a system.

The solution is for developers to ensure they create a strong code. It should be taken through vigorous testing methods to test its resilience to attacks. The code should be reviewed regularly and its vulnerabilities fixed. Understand secure coding practices and observe them.

8. Code tampering

Code tampering means altering code structure for malicious goals. This is a practice valued by hackers because it gives them access to the back of the code. Once they do, they introduce their features to help them consistently access all the data they need. This is what causes jailbreaking into mobile gadgets. Solutions include the following. 

  • Developers use code obfuscation methods. This method makes it impossible for hackers to reverse engineer code.
  • Developers should test the code for integrity. This helps them know if the structure has been changed.
  • Update code regularly and update permissions.

9. Reverse engineering

In reverse engineering, hackers study code structure by targeting specific components. For instance, they can study the app’s security component to understand how it handles security issues. Once they understand, they integrate features that weaken its working protocols. 

The solution is to use tools that make it harder for code to be reverse-engineered. An example of a tool is SwiftShield and ProGuard. Do not hardcode sensitive data into an app. This may include encryption and API keys. Store these keys securely in a server. 

10. Extraneous functionality

Extraneous functionality means leaving irrelevant features in an app during development. These may include features like testing software and debugging tools. If the app is launched when these features are inside, they pose a serious security risk. Malicious people may access these features and use them to access code data and use it. 

The solution is for developers to recheck and test an app before launching it to the public. Recheck every component and remove every unnecessary feature. This process might be tough but automated tools can help identify and remove them. Continuous testing during development can help identify these issues early.

The way forward

Mobile apps are highly targeted by hackers because they are widely used across the globe. Developers should understand the OWASP Mobile Top 10 risks and how to mitigate them. They should follow the best security practices when developing, launching, and maintaining apps.