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Why It is Necessary to Develop PDF Document Automation Applications for Mobile

Why It is Necessary to Develop PDF Document Automation Applications for Mobile

Posted in Technology on July 19, 2024

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Data entry is a common task in offices that can sometimes be tedious and repetitive. Businesses often deal with and collect data from clients, third-party vendors, and many customers via paper forms. This data will have to be manually inputted into their systems so they can be formatted, stored appropriately, and retrieved for future use. However, this can be inefficient and time-consuming.

The solution for this is developing a PDF document automation software, where people can fill in their information directly on a PDF form and it automatically records on the business’s system. PDF automation software, such as Gavel, also allows companies to automatically create PDF form templates by uploading the forms they want to emulate.

After uploading, a user will be able to edit the template so it will be formatted the exact way they want it to be. Unlike a Word document, a PDF form is preferred because the questions part of the form will be uneditable, so the recipient will only be able to fill out the sections allocated for response. Click the highlighted text to read more about the PDF document automation process

It also helps to develop this automation software for mobile devices so employees can create PDF forms on the go and have access to the same features as they do on desktop. Businesses that embrace PDF document automation application development and use software will enjoy the following benefits:

Increased productivity 

Since companies will spend less time on manual data entry, they can focus the extra time and energy on onboarding more customers. They will also be able to engage in more tasks that will grow the business and make it more profitable.

Improved accuracy

Automation reduces the need for manual data entry, thereby eliminating errors and increasing the accuracy of the data being inputted.

Faster data processing

PDF document automation allows businesses to process a lot of data in a short period. This will enable them to take on more customers and clients and deliver results for them quickly.

Best Practices for PDF Automation

PDF document automation can be challenging at first, but it can be simplified by following these best practices:

  1. Create a document management system that arranges incoming and outgoing documents in an organized way. This will make sure that data is processed efficiently.
  2. Create a strategy to ensure that the PDF automation tool in use is updated in line with the current technology. Doing this will allow businesses to take advantage of the latest features and efficiencies technology has to offer.
  3. Use a data capture tool to extract important data like contact details and personal biodata from PDF documents. This saves the effort and time that would have been otherwise spent on manually entering the data.
  4. Make the process of generating, receiving, and sending PDF documents automated to ensure there is consistency and accuracy across all documents.
  5. Check how employees are using the automation tool to verify if they are using it efficiently and according to established government regulations.


PDF document automation is extremely beneficial to businesses to handle large volumes of data, and this inspires the development of software and mobile applications that can handle this task. The software helps them increase efficiency and reduce the errors that usually result from manual data entry. It also frees up time and effort that can be spent performing more challenging tasks and growing the business.