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App Spotlight: Color911

App Spotlight: Color911

Posted in Mobile App Spotlight on July 03, 2024

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Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Amy Wax, the Color expert / creator of the Color911 app at Color911 about Color911

Please share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.

People need help choosing colors, it can be scary and overwhelming. If you are decorating your home, choosing what colors to wear or even for a diy project, choosing colors can be stressful. As a color expert, my goal in creating the Color911 app is to take away the stress of choosing colors, while offering the help and guidance of a color expert to have with you at all times!

How is your app different than the rest of the market? Which unique need does it fill?

Created by a color expert, Color911 is unique because it gives you ways of capturing colors you see that you would like to remember, and it also offers color inspiration. You have the expertise of a professional who created color themes showing you what colors go well together with 150+ color themes to choose from! Find a color theme that inspires you and use it as your guide to choose the best colors.

What is the coolest or most innovative feature of your app?

Two features that are unique to Color911l color swatches and color themes. The user can create color swatches to capture and save colors out of an image. It can be done instantly by using an image and pulling the colors out of the image to remember them or match them at a later time. This feature is tremendously helpful. The second feature which is priceless is the color themes showing users what colors look great together. Updating the color themes, adding more regularly to keep up with color trends, you have the expertise of a color expert with you at all times to see what colors look great together, it's the best inspiration out there!

What has been the most rewarding aspect of the creation of this app?

I see first hand that people don't find choosing colors as scary and overwhelming as they used to! Helping people choose colors to improve their home, seeing what to buy or even what to wear, helping them surround themselves with colors that bring them joy has been very rewarding!

What surprised you most in your journey to create this app?

What surprised me most in creating this app is how many people are stressed out by choosing colors and overwhelmed by the process. The more people I showed the app, the more convinced I was that there was an incredible need for this app for everyone from young people to homeowners and diyers to design professionals!

How did you decide which platforms to release your app on and do you plan on releasing your app to other platforms?

Originally released for iOS devices only, the newly released Color911 is available for both iOS and Android devices. Exploring how people use the app and wanting it to be available to as many people as possible, motivated me to create the newly redesigned version so it's available to both platforms reaching many more app lovers out there!

Which other mobile apps or technology have inspired you?

I explored many apps over years before creating the Color911 app and found many apps to be more complex and even difficult to use. Apps that inspired me are easy to use for anyone of any age, whether they are tech friendly or tech phobic! I was determined when creating the Color911 app to create an app that was visually inspiring, easy to follow and user friendly in every way!

What features do you hope to roll out to your app in the future?

The beauty of the Color911 app (and this is truly a unique feature!) is that it is changing and improving all the time! I add to the color themes regularly and users will find new color themes appearing in the app without the necessary updates or upgrades! I look forward to creating new features in the future, but keeping it fresh and updated regularly is a unique feature because the app will always be on the cutting edge of whats trending in the world of color.

Do you have any recommendations or advice for others wanting to create a mobile app?

Research research research! I found that the more I explored apps that are on the market, the more I defined my own requirements when I created the Color911 app. I suggest to anyone wanting to create an app that you take the time to get it right, it is well worth the time you are investing in making the best app possible!

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