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App Spotlight: Urbotip

App Spotlight: Urbotip

Posted in Mobile App Spotlight on December 12, 2014

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We spoke with Mateus Chepp Marques, Marketing Executive of Nodo about Urbotip. 

What was your main objective or motivation for creating your mobile app?

In Brazil there is a big issue involving communication between the population and the government. Our objective was to take it to the next level in terms of technology, innovation and interaction.

If you could describe your app in ONE word, what would it be and why?

Participative! Why? Because with people, the tool is pointless. The objective of the app is to bring development and improvement through people's participation.

What is the coolest or most innovative feature of your app?

Real time interaction between government and population.

Could you share a challenging factor of the development or marketing process?

The major challenge is to make people believe that we are offering a free tool. Another challenge we face is the fear of exposing the problems of a city which is not seen with very good eyes by some local authorities but we always emphasize that we want to bring development through the exposure of the points that need to be fixed.

Well, some surprises were good and we always understood that if we worked hard we would win prizes. But we believe that best surprise was to see people registering causes in Indonesia, in Egypt and other countries

Do you plan on releasing your app to other platforms as well?

Yes, we are! Windows phone will be next one.

What is your favorite mobile app to date and which have inspired you?

My favorite app is Waze and it is one of the Apps that inspired us.

What features do you hope to roll out to your app in the future?

An specific timeline where people will be able to keep up with all the information according to when it is happening or when it happened.