Best tools apps
The following mobile apps have been nominated for best tools app for Android, iOS and more.
Elbi - good on the go
The app enables people to create content in order to fund raise micro-donations for charities, and enable direct contact between beneficiaries (a kid in hospital, or a team in Uganda) and the content creating...
Best Social or Lifestyle App
Categories: books & reference, education, educational, entertainment, family & children, lifestyle, productivity, social media / networking, tools and utilities, travel & local
SurfEasy is the best free VPN proxy for mobile. It offers a simple, streamlined, one click model to provide a low data solution to users looking to protect their privacy on both Android and iOS. Users...
Nominated for:
Best Mobile App Interface
Categories: tools and utilities
DU Battery Saver
World’s leading battery saver & power manager
FREE battery-saving app that makes your Android battery last 50% or longer
Easy one-touch controls that solve battery problems and extend your battery life
Overall Best App of 2015
Categories: tools and utilities
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