The PitchDMM App is the only football fan based community to our knowledge that uses intuitive mobile technology to give passionate fans of the same club the opportunity to express their opinions on team...
Nominated for:
Best new mobile app
Categories: sports
Noggin Notes
It's a mobile self help app that is designed as a emotional journal for users. With the app the user gets access to a emotional journal for them to log their thoughts throughout the day and log them in,...
Best New Mobile App
Categories: health & fitness, lifestyle
FAO SafetyHub
Maintaining a safe workplace is a challenge for most organizations. Keeping safety items updated, maintained, and OSHA compliant is a monumental task that often gets overlooked until it’s too late. Until...
Nominated for:
Best New Mobile App
Categories: business and finance
Invoice2go is a mobile app that makes it effortless for business owners, freelancers and side giggers to track work and collect payment the instant a job is complete. With Invoice2go, business owners can...
Best Designed Mobile App
Categories: business and finance
OpenKey is both a free consumer app and a SaaS licensed cloud based platform that hotels use to issue mobile keys that go straight to the consumer smartphone (via the OpenKey app). It is the most Universal...
Nominated for:
Best Mobile App of 2017
Categories: tools and utilities
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