Technology Articles

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8 Marvelous Tools To Proficiently Develop Awesome Cross Platform Apps

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While the explosion of mobile devices has offered end users with myriads of mobile devices exhibiting a range of remarkable features, it has complicated the mobile app developers' job. It is not easy to target multiple mobile platforms with a flair, and if you will try to do so, it will surely elevate the development cost. Now, that is something that you won't want.Since each platform features distinct capabilities and functions, developers are required to go an extra mile to develop an application that can...
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Top 10 Mobile Marketing Trends to Look Forward to in 2016

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The mobile device usage continues to grow, so does mobile marketing. In fact, mobile marketing has expanded exponentially in the last couple of years, and has achieved many milestones last year. A few of the mobile marketing milestones are as follows: According to HubSpot's report, by the end of 2017 mobile commerce will grow to 24.4 percent of the total e-commerce sales. It was also concluded that around 44 percent of consumers would be interested in receiving deals and coupons, from brands, directl...
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Mobile Technology has Introduced New Gaming Opportunities

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Gamers have been enjoying playing video games ever since the advent and easy access of home computers. People of a certain age can remember the fond childhood experience of playing games like Frogger, Dizzy, and Chucky Egg. The start of home gaming really began with computers like the Commodore 64 and Spectrum. However, technological advances have made it possible for gamers to play more advanced, sophisticated, and interactive games that are not restricted to being played on the home computer or a ga...
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The future of wearables

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As we get used to living in the post-pc era of smartphones, tablets and devices we are surely going to go through yet another era change and accept it as well. Smart Rings, Smart Watches and Google watches will soon be replacing your routine Androids, IPhones and tablets at work. It has been noted how the fruit of PC Era took about twenty years to ripen. But you don’t have to wait for the "Wearable Era" for that long because it has already begun. The reason is the availability of wireless connectivity...
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The most secure smartphone yet - Tor-infused BOSS

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This is the smart device era. Internet and use of smart devices and phablets have become a household activity. We cannot even think of living without the smart phone technology these days. Over the years the technology has advanced a lot. Every month rather every week brings about new features and upgrades for the smart phone users.Among the few things that are in discussion in the smart phone industry these days is the security of personal data and information when you are on the move. Many technology comp...
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Apple Pay: The Good and The Bad

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Apple Pay has been one of the most anticipated features of the new iOS 8 operating system. Many users were hoping for some type of NFC payment system to be included in iOS 6 and iOS 7, and Apple has finally answered with the unveiling of Apple Pay.Apple Pay has not come without competition or controversy however. The Merchant Customer Exchange (MXC), which is made up of retailers such as CVS, Target , and Walmart, just to name a few, represent over $1 Trillion in yearly revenue. The MXC is working on their...
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Apple Watch: The Future or Fad

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As stated last month, Apple will be coming out with their newest piece of hardware, in early 2015, dubbed the Apple Watch. Apple calls it “the most personal product we’ve ever made.”As many of us know, this is not the first smart watch we’ve seen. Pebble Watch was the innovator a few years ago that grabbed the attention of so many. The big question is how Apple will, and others, break into the market as a company with virtually unlimited R&D dollars versus Pebble Watch which is s...
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Matchup: iPhone 6 Plus vs. Samsung s5

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The ever anticipated event happened on Tuesday, September 9th. Tim Cook displayed the latest and greatest Apple has to offer. Today, those latest and greatest creations are officially on sale. Many people, especially Android fans, are laughing at the new Apple products since so many claim that they have had the same features on their Samsung s5. Below you’ll see a few of the key features compared between the two devices: Size: iPhone = 6.22 x 3.06 x .28 in. vs. s5 = 5.59 x 2.85 x .32 in...
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Most Commonly Downloaded Apps for Smartphone Beginners

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You did it! You got your first smartphone. Now you’re ready to begin the magic that everyone has been telling you about - downloading mobile apps. It can be a stressful thing deciding between different apps because you never truly know if you’re making the right call or not.Don’t you worry, because that is why we are here. We will explain below the best apps to download in some critical categories of every day smartphone usage, regardless of having iOS or Android operating systems.Social B...
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Top 4 Photo Apps You Need to Download

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One of the most improved parts of any new model of any smartphone is the camera. The cameras have been getting so good, that many people forgo the traditional Nikon and stick with their smartphone for that road trip to the beach or long weekend getaway in the mountains. Photography has always been popular, but especially lately with the awesome ability to edit your photos as a professional would or being able to share these creations with anyone around the world. Below are 4 awesome apps that will...
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