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8 Marvelous Tools To Proficiently Develop Awesome Cross Platform Apps

This article is posted in Technology

While the explosion of mobile devices has offered end users with myriads of mobile devices exhibiting a range of remarkable features, it has complicated the mobile app developers' job. It is not easy to target multiple mobile platforms with a flair, and if you will try to do so, it will surely elevate the development cost. Now, that is something that you won't want.Since each platform features distinct capabilities and functions, developers are required to go an extra mile to develop an application that can...
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Top 10 Mobile Marketing Trends to Look Forward to in 2016

This article is posted in Technology

The mobile device usage continues to grow, so does mobile marketing. In fact, mobile marketing has expanded exponentially in the last couple of years, and has achieved many milestones last year. A few of the mobile marketing milestones are as follows: According to HubSpot's report, by the end of 2017 mobile commerce will grow to 24.4 percent of the total e-commerce sales. It was also concluded that around 44 percent of consumers would be interested in receiving deals and coupons, from brands, directl...
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Infographic - Insight of Mobile App Development Process

This article is posted in Mobile App Development

Here's some insight of Mobile App Development Process courtesy of Nine Hertz.Did you know it takes the same time to produce 1 mobile app as it does for the US to produce 168 standard cars? There are tons of resources needed to produce a mobile app. The infographic below breaks it down. ...
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Mobile API tips you'll find handy

This article is posted in Mobile App Development

Today, the internet is crowded with informative articles on designing a flawless API that allows a mobile app to communicate with a specific web/cloud based service. While some of the concepts and practices have proved helpful for mobile API designers, others have simply faded away with the passing time. Optimizing the back-end APIs for excellent mobile client experience is something that needs to be taken into account by everyone who's looking for enhancing the overall the on-mobile performance of an appli...
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Mobile Technology has Introduced New Gaming Opportunities

This article is posted in Technology

Gamers have been enjoying playing video games ever since the advent and easy access of home computers. People of a certain age can remember the fond childhood experience of playing games like Frogger, Dizzy, and Chucky Egg. The start of home gaming really began with computers like the Commodore 64 and Spectrum. However, technological advances have made it possible for gamers to play more advanced, sophisticated, and interactive games that are not restricted to being played on the home computer or a ga...
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Why It's Hard For New Mobile Apps To Gain Popularity

This article is posted in Mobile App Marketing

When smart phones originally came out not many people were developing apps for them. It didn't take long for the amount of developers to increase significantly though and get to the point it is at today. Both Apple App Store and Google Play have over 1,500,000 apps available in their stores. Most of these apps never gain popularity though, why is that?One of the biggest reasons your new mobile app never gains popularity is that you don't get the word out. When you create an app it isn't as simple as placing...
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Will the Apple Watch change the world? Or is it just another fad?

This article is posted in iOS

With the release of the Apple Watch many people are wondering if it will actually catch on. A study concluded that over half (around 68%) of Americans had little to no interest in buying an Apple Watch. Many view the smart watch as a passing fad, others believe that the Apple Watch itself was too hyped up for the features it has. The Apple Watch does display a good selection of features but most of them are already available in other devices out there.It is true that the Apple watch comes in a lot of config...
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Top 5 Signs You Are Addicted To Your Mobile Device

This article is posted in Food for thought

Addiction to mobile devices is a real problem in today's day and age where they have become such an integral part of our daily life. The largest population with this problem is kids who spend most of their time on their mobile devices but everyone has the potential to fall prey to mobile device addiction. Here are the top five signs that you are addicted to a mobile device. You Think About Your Phone Constantly If you are constantly thinking about your phone, even when it is not around than you are probabl...
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Are mobile app markets too saturated with apps?

This article is posted in Mobile App Marketing

There is a concern by many app developers that the app market may be getting too saturated with apps. The amount of apps in the Apple App Store in December 2009 was 160,000, that total grew to over 8 times that to be at 1.3 million apps by September 2014. In December 2009 the Google Play Store had 20,000 apps and has since seen a much larger growth to over 1.4 million apps. With so many apps available it isn't surprising that people think that the app market may be over-saturated. The answer to the question...
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Why do iPhone users think they are "too good" for Androids?

This article is posted in iOS

A majority of the people who switch to using iPhones or have used iPhones since their release would never think of getting an Android device. They put off the air to many of their friends that they are too good for an Android powered device. Both phones have their followings and Android users also back their phones. Why though do a lot of coffee-shop iPhone users think that they are too good for Androids? There are several reasons that this may be true.First, Apple took the smartphone world by storm when it...
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