Articles relating to 'interview'

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App Spotlight: Parental Leave Toolkit

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Jennifer Liston-Smith, the Head of Thought Leadership at Bright Horizons Work+Family Solutions about Parental Leave ToolkitPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.It's a story of continuous development and disruption! We had pioneered the concept of maternity coaching or parent transition coaching for employers to empower working parents back in the early 2000s. So, as well as coaching in person, we already had online toolkits...
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App Spotlight: Respekt Beauty Meditation

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Heyyoung Kim, the CEO/Co-founder at Eewee Production, Inc. about Respekt Beauty MeditationPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.I am currently in the beauty business producing skincare products and also have experience in meditation for almost 30 years. I've always known and felt that our beauty is not only a skin deep, it is way more profound. I have witnessed the powerful impacts of meditation and mindfulness as a skin and...
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App Spotlight: Sellege

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Dongyeon Lee, the CEO at Sellege Inc about SellegePlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.When I returned to college in the US after serving military time to satisfy required civic duty in South Korea, I realized that I needed furniture, textbooks, and other things. I had my budget and did not want to buy everything in new conditions. When I was looking for used products, there were no platforms that provided a trustworthy and...
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App Spotlight: Smappy

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Iuliia Grebeshok, the CEO, co-founder at Smappy Inc. about SmappyPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.Anastasia Vartanyan (CMO) and I studied on one program. In 2018 Christmas time we had our lunch and were discussing the problem of choosing gifts. It appeared as a paradox: a vast presence of online gift stores seemed to eliminate that hustle around gift shopping, however, it aggravated it a lot with an extra supply.What fe...
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App Spotlight: Tie Aprons

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Kamola Fayzullaeva, the Founder & CEO at Tie Aprons about Tie ApronsPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.I always want to solve a problem in people's everyday lives, and I've been very passionate about how IT-sphere solves people's problems. When I researched homemade food, I found out many people sell homemade food, but they don't have enough budget to let people know about their product. I thought if I would make a ma...
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App Spotlight: Pony Education LIVE

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Corinna Hernandez, the Owner & Founder at Pony Education about Pony Education LIVEPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.I founded Pony Education in 2014 after spending a couple decades teaching hairdressers how to cut and style hair. In the first version of the business, I would travel to host salons and train their staff. Soon we would book regional events and sell tickets to the general public-- all across the USA. We...
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App Spotlight: Kidoodle.TV

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Jeremy Mason, the Director, Operations & Strategy at A Parent Media Co. Inc. about Kidoodle.TVPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.The service was co-founded in 2012 by CEO, Mike Lowe, and President and CPO, Neil Gruninger, as a response to an incident with Mike's young son, who was left traumatized after being exposed to inappropriate content. The duo vowed to take action to protect other families. They formed A Parent...
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App Spotlight: Deposit Defender

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Angie Durbin, the CEO at Deposit Defender LLC about Deposit DefenderPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.I own a property management company in San Diego and last year one of our clients decided to sell his home, his current renter had lived in the house for six years and we had only managed the property for five years, so we did not move this tenant into the home and were unable to document the condition of the home at the...
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App Spotlight: Picksell

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Ivan Krestov, the Art Director at Mish about PicksellPlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.We were inspired by the client himself, his focus on the results. Creating the identity, we wanted, on the one hand, to keep Picksell minimalistic, but at the same time allow it to express itself with color.What features do you hope to roll out to your app in the future?This is a secret now, but we will definitely get better the intera...
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App Spotlight: Let's Race

This interview is posted in Mobile App Spotlight

Recently we had an opportunity to speak with Brian Hunt, the Owner/founder at Let's Race about Let's RacePlease share with us the backstory of what motivated you to create this app.I've been competing in running and triathlon events since 2005. I was tired of searching multiple, not user-friendly websites trying to find race information. Some sites limited results to 10 per page, you couldn't favorite, add photos, or share races. I realized if I was looking for something better, the millions of people who...
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