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Searching for: recipes
MyFitnessPal is the #1 nutrition and food tracking app highly recommended by fitness gurus, coaches, registered dietitians and nutritionists.
Since 2005, MyFitnessPal has empowered over 200 million...
Nominated for:
Best Mobile App of August
Categories: health & fitness
Parent Sense
Parent Sense is the all-in-one baby app that takes the guesswork out of parenting. The first year of a baby's life is full of growth, development and changes. Even the most adoring parents aren't born...
Nominated for:
Best New Mobile App
Categories: family & children
Wondr Note
Wondr Note is a creative & unique take on notes & lists. We asked ourselves, "Why can't notes be pretty & useful?". And so we created Wondr Note in the hopes of providing ultimate convenience,...
Nominated for:
Best New Mobile App
Categories: productivity
Tie Aprons
Tie Aprons is a newly launched recipe application with brand new features, where you can FIND & SHARE delicious recipes, SELL your homemade food, ADD & KEEP your own recipes, ORDER only homemade...
Nominated for:
Best Designed Mobile App
Categories: recipes / cookbook
ShopperCaddie is the best grocery shopping assistant for smart shoppers who care about ingredients and healthy eating. Before you head out to a supermarket, install ShopperCaddie on your app! We have...
Nominated for:
Best New Mobile App
Categories: productivity
BetterMe Home Workout & Diets is an app for fitness newbies who are determined to begin a healthy lifestyle. The App is consistently ranked in the top-5 of the US market. Users get an AI-based personalized...
Nominated for:
Best Mobile App of 2020
Categories: health & fitness
Have you ever suddenly wanted to check what was left in your fridge while shopping for food? With nosh app, you can track your food inventory and expiry dates while you get recipe suggestions on the items...
Nominated for:
Best Mobile App Design
Categories: productivity
Have you ever suddenly wanted to check what was left in your fridge while shopping for food? With nosh app, you can track your food inventory and expiry dates while you get recipe suggestions on the items...
Nominated for:
Best New Mobile App
Categories: productivity
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